Guideline: Create a Backup of the ESET PROTECT Database and Export a Certificate or Public Key from ESET PROTECT

Guideline: Create a Backup of the ESET PROTECT Database and Export a Certificate or Public Key from ESET PROTECT

Create a Backup of the ESET PROTECT Database:

This process involves creating a copy of all the data stored in the ESET PROTECT database, including configuration settings, events, and logs. The backup can be used to restore the database in case of a system failure or data loss.

One-time database backup

.          1. Open a Windows command prompt

           2. Type the following command to create a backup file named BACKUPFILE:


HOST - IP address or hostname

ERASQL - name of the MS SQL server instance

This takes a backup of the ESET Protect database and save, follow this path to where the database backup is saved:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.ERASQLINSTANCEID\MSSQL\Backup

and copy it out.

Note: We recommend that you create regular database backups to ensure the security of your data in the event of an emergency and make sure the downloaded files are saved outside of this server.

For more details and how to back database daily click on this link: [KB7978] Create a backup of the ESET PROTECT database (8.x – 10.x)

Export a Certificate or Public Key from ESET PROTECT

Exporting a certificate or public key from ESET PROTECT involves saving a copy of the digital certificate or public key to a file on the local machine or a removable storage device. This can be used to transfer the certificate or public key to another system or to store it for later use.


1. Open the ESET PROTECT Web Console in your web browser and log in.
2 Click More → Peer Certificates (or select Certification Authorities to export a public key).

3. Click the appropriate certificate and then click Export or Export as Base64. The type of certificate you export will depend on the component you are installing. Export a Server certificate for use when installing server components. Export an Agent certificate for use when installing the ESET Management Agent. See below for examples of when to use each option:
    1. Export - Export your certificate (.pfx file) or CA (.der file). During product installation, the Setup Wizard will prompt you for this certificate.
    2. Export as Base64 - Export your certificate or CA as a .txt file. Open this file in a text editor to access your unique certificate or public key for use when creating a transformation (.mst) file or in other applications where it is necessary to type unique strings from your certificate or CA to submit your credentials.